Lambda Unites Reaches Agreement to Save Jobs and Protect Lowest-Paid Staff

“When union staff have a seat at the table, Lambda Legal is stronger and we can continue our critical work for LGBTQ people and everyone living with HIV…”

(May 6, 2020) Today, Lambda Unites, Lambda Legal’s staff union, consisting of staff members from all departments, salary levels, and all six regional offices, finalized a Memorandum of Understanding that prevents layoffs and institutes a temporary salary cut structure shielding the lowest paid staff from any cuts whatsoever. The MOU takes a fiscally responsible approach to conserving budgetary resources during a time of nationwide public health and economic crisis. 

Lambda Unites Co-Chairs Carl Charles and Stephanie Zelenkic issued the following statement: 

“Lambda Legal is not immune to the devastating impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on nonprofits, including many within our movement. However, Lambda Legal, through negotiations between Lambda Unites and management, has not only avoided possible layoffs, but instituted a more equitable temporary pay cut structure that protects our lowest-paid colleagues and allows Lambda Legal to withstand these uncertain economic conditions. This is exactly why our union exists—to protect one another while we work to overcome unprecedented challenges. We appreciate management’s shared commitment to Lambda Legal, its critical mission, the goal of avoiding layoffs, and the collective bargaining process. When union staff have a seat at the table, Lambda Legal is stronger and we can continue our critical work for LGBT people and everyone living with HIV, especially during this new and challenging time.”

Lambda Unites was established in 2017 with the Washington-Baltimore News Guild, which is chartered by The News Guild—Communications Workers of America as Local 32035. 

People can support Lambda Legal, its employees, and their efforts to fight for the recognition of the civil rights of LGBT people and everyone living with HIV by visiting


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